20C: Modern era and Post-Modern era
The composition techniques influenced by Western music
Modern Japan was born by Meiji Restoration. The songs composed before Meiji-era began to be called as classics. By importing Western lifestyles and way of thinking. New values were brought into Koto’s world. Meiji Shinkyoku (the new songs of Meiji-era) which were composed during Meiji-era often used Western music’s technique. Several song were played pizzicato, plucking strings with nails.
Koto, expressing individual sensitivity and pursuing new style
After Michio Miyagi who is famous for ”Haru-no-umi” (The sea of the spring) appeared, the essense of Japanese and Western styles were come together and modern style was explored by blowing individual sensitivities. Michio Miyagi left around 700 songs after his first composition at 16 years old. He influenced many young composers and musicians. After WWⅡ, post-modern Japanese style music had started to be recognized and then, Western style musician accepted Koto with a kind of surprise. Koto got to be introduced to overseas. While Japan experienced rapid economic growth, there is a boom taking various lessons to improve oneself and Koto became popular among families. Recently, being beyond the genres, artists and groups which are trying to combine Japanese instruments with pops, jazz, and rock music got attentions. Their attitude to pursue new style of music are accepted favorably.